Starting off.

I am here as a writer. Nothing more, anything else i include is merely for your benefit, so i don’t care for hating on my personality. but everyone is welcome to be here. I ask no one be hurtful to other patrons. I, Cami Rose, am working on a novel series. with this patreon i intend on making the best from my readers feed backs. as people fund me, more content will be redeemable. i will do the chapters as they are finished, so that my wonderful readers and patrons can see just what kind of thing they are invested in. The books are not neccisarily going to be written in sequence, each novel will have a number, as that number will tell you the time of the series of which that book takes place. I hope to hear from people soon, as i start my adventure to being a writer, i wish you to enjoy the adventures i write.ย 




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