Releasing New Non-Fiction

I am happy and excited to say, I am about to release my sixth book since starting my career a little over a year ago. Today, I am placing a publicly accessible announcement that this new release is available for pre-order immediately.

The release coming out, will be on november 15th. It is “Internet Marketing For Beginners”. The book is going to walk you through a few resources and methods of how it works. Some of this book to be released has some extra resources linked in it so you all can start marketing from the time you start rading it.

The new release is intended for absolute beginners looking for a starting place even though they have knowledge in marketing, like i did when I started. Not to mention, it seems like every book marketer on any media needs some serious help learning to market.

This New Release is for those people too. I have already released two other marketing books, but it seems people still are inboxing me about marketing. So here is another book for just that. Get Your Pre-Order below with amazon, or pick another dealer.




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