Now Released: A Witches Life: The Bloodline Curse

I know, it has been a while since I posted an update on the website and with this post I am really excited. I am proud to announce I have finished and published the first installment of the ‘A Witches Life’ Series. I find this to be a great marker for my progress as an author.

The beauty that I can share the experience of each book I write is something extraordinary to me. So, with this all being said, I am ecstatic to show you where the book is available. I would appreciate all that have interest consider purchasing this new release.

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Other Releases Of Fiction

To refresh the minds, I have released other works, prior to A Witches Life: The Bloodline Curse. My most popular being The Draconus Wars. You can buy a copy through my links below.

The Draconus Wars On Novelo

The Draconus Wars Ebook Editions

The Draconus Wars Paperback Edition

The Draconus Wars Hardcover

The other released fiction is from the Alteria universe, which has a work in progress. Of Ash And Flames is the book that gives the backstory of one of the featured in an upcoming work, Elvish Persuit. Take a look at the short story through the links below.

Of Ash And Flames Ebook Edition

Of Ash And Flames Paperback

Don’t forget to check in regularly, as more releases are to come out soon! Thanks for all the support.

Cam Roze




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