Cam Roze Novels

Cam Roze Novels Now Has A Patreon!

So, I have decided to add a patreon opportunity for those of you who are avid fans of mine. The Roze family now will be able to #Rozerian and find others who are patrons. The Patreon page will also have exlusive announcements that would not otherwise be seen.

The Patreon Page has a few tiers to ofer, the highest having the most alue with its loyalty program under way of being made. I would like to say this will also have lore posts exclusive to members of specific tiers, One on one chatting, and more. I also will be running polls to see what genre my audience would like me work my dark mind at. I know with this patreon I can reach new heights with my interconnectivity to you, my lovely readers and audience.

The Benefits Of The Patreon!

This also lets me provide you with exclusive content through patreon, for those of you who are lore junkies, like me. If you like the idea of learning the ideas for specific books as they are being crafted, this is deffinitely a way to learn about it. I also will be sharing exclusive snippets of coming releases that are not publicly available as of yet.

I will provide details for many books. I also will be showing you insider details, such as the worldbuilding sheets or character sheets. This always will show how some of my world and story is created. I know the methods I use are not typical all of the time. I want to show you all my content, breaking many molds as I chase this persuit of my career. You wont want to miss this if you enjoy dark fiction.

See more here, pub-8219904862627687, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0